Ng-Conf 2018

Last week, I was able to attend ng-conf in Salt Lake City, UT. ng-conf is a conference dedicated to Angular, and this was their fifth year. I’ve had never been to a conference before, and the prospect of going to such a large one (around 1400 people!) was a little unnerving. But I was excited to learn stuff about things! I’m not big on networking” or talking to people”, so I was fortunate to be able to go with a group of about a dozen coworkers. Most of us are Angular noobs. At work, we are on AngularJS 1.6, but we are getting on the current version of Angular soon (“soon” being only a couple months away, for the last year and a half). I have limited experience with Angular. Every time I try learning about it, I feel like I get bogged down by TypeScript. For whatever reason, TypeScript just wrinkles my brain whenever I see it. But, after this conference, I think I have a much stronger grasp on Angular and TypeScript. Well, maybe slightly stronger. Still good!

There were a lot of great talks and workshops about a myriad of topics. But at times, being a noob, it felt like getting firehosed—I left with a long list of things to look up and learn about later. So for the next few weeks, I’m going to take some of those topics on my list, and research, practice, and write about them here.

A few topics I’ve got in mind to write about so far are:

  • Template References
  • ng-container and ng-template
  • Writing clean code
  • Reactive forms
  • NgRx (I didn’t go to any sessions about this, but it was all anyone was talking about, so I figure I should learn about it)

At the very least, this will help solidify some of the things I learned at ng-conf. If it helps someone else, even better!

April 24, 2018