Devlog: June 15, 2023
Worked on adding a tip jar to ScreenCred.
I followed this YouTube tutorial which was pretty great.
Screenshot of ScreenCred showing a tip jar view with 4 tip options. $1, $3, $5, and $10.
Screenshot of a thank you with confetti falling that is shown after a tip is purchased.
I went with the new nice round numbers $1.00, $3.00, $5.00, and $10.00. To me, those seem a little more personal for some reason. Went with the generic copy iPhone naming for the tip names.
I thought about writing my own confetti view for the thank you, but found ConfettiSwiftUI. Was simple to add and looks really nice!
The tips are consumable in-app purchases and don’t unlock anything. But, when the purchase is completed, I do store in NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
that a tip was purchased. I’m hoping I can use this in the future to unlock things like alternate app icons or something. Never used it before, so hopefully it works…
With the tip jar done, I’m moving on to going through the app as carefully as I can to make sure it’s as accessible as I can make it, including Dynamic Type sizes. I’m getting close to ScreenCred being at a place where I would be comfortable releasing it. I decided I want to release it before I start working on my other app idea.